[The card on the left is the Seven of Cups from the Rider / Waite / Smith Tarot deck.]Be forewarned, these are mostly quite surreal and often pointed. I am still attempting to develop a decent working relationship between my dreams and the haiku form. Although I feel I've made some progress, many times I still feel either my dream or the haiku form suffer in the marriage. But I shan't give up! :-D Especially, as I have been finding that writing a haiku on an impactful dream image distills something about that image that leads to a sense of relatedness or understanding. And much more quickly than my usual very lengthy dream journaling process.
May 31, 2006
one story buried,
another too big to print
no way out
May 30, 2006
new genes
for the old pool
May 29, 2006
the baby’s brow
is obviously Klingon
May 28, 2006
he finger combs
my long damp hair
heaven on earth
May 27, 2006
the frozen infant
must have heart surgery
her chances are good
May 26, 2006
the ex-priest
walks on broken glass
he won’t believe
May 25, 2006
Gordian knot –
version after version
of the Ace of Swords
May 24, 2006
makeover magic
which of the three Tarot cards
will she be?
May 23, 2006
the young man is proud
to be known by The Mob
reflected power
May 21, 2006
only in dreams:
this dirt road passes
that welcoming Inn
May 20, 2006
recently widowed
but he takes the risk
welcome to the dance
May 19, 2006
the nave echos
a mechanical bird
May 18, 2006
two dragons
on the old calendar
blasts from the past
May 17, 2006
new buildings
in old Manhattan
where is home now?
May 16, 2006
fool’s gold
she wills her lost wallet
back into being
May 15, 2006
she stands up to him
while she saves herself
hire wire act
May 14, 2006
she’s deceased
but will birth a daughter
dying into now
May 13, 2006
Dad and Mother
with a cold baby fish
hauled awake
May 12, 2006
fearful she's too old
she learns to steer the bike
getting a grip
May 11, 2006
ganesh wears
a super-hero cape
gilding the lily
May 10, 2006
the shadow paints
a harbor mural
the larger picture
May 9, 2006
she hides in the belly
of the large clay Goddess
she won't be had
May 8, 2006
the mummy won't let her
give up again
odd new friend
May 7, 2006
the blowzy starlet
cannot light the cigarette
pregnant pause
May 6, 2006
we are in danger
if the raptor eggs hatch
we shut our eyes
May 5, 2006
digging through strata:
sanskrit letters
glimmer on the walls
May 4, 2006
hitting the stalker
only changes his face --
an embrace instead
May 3, 2006
the souls of dead mice
till the dark earth
what will grow here?
May 2, 2006
her ghostly presence
permeates the void
forgotten dream
May 1, 2006
the immigrant asks
to be taught how to dance
waltzing through a dream
* * * *
Haiku Painting and Artwork by Zolo, many original haiga (illustrated haiku) and other artwork. I'm hoping eventually to do some haiga of my own, dream-based and otherwise, so I find sites like these especially inspiring.
‘til next time, keep dreaming,
[aka: Patricia Kelly]****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)****My other blog:
Labels: dream haiku, dreamku