AN EMPATH'S INNER LIFE (photomorph) & THE HORSE-HOSPITAL (dream narrative) by Roswila
ok, it's even stranger to start a hospital
dream, one with a horse in it, nay, that is
the hospital (outdoors on a wide green lawn)
with talk of a shy, fully nude woman,
standing by a sea cliff, but that's the way
the dream went:
she's a lovely middle-aged Hispanic woman,
some might say slightly overweight but to my
dream eye she's lovely, her breasts still round
and firm and her skin perfect; neither she nor
I know why she's nude but she dresses quickly,
compelled by her obvious modesty; I
quietly suggest that, should she want to,
her nudity could be her next Halloween
costume, and before I can tell what her
response to this daring thought is, I'm
with the horse-that'-s-a-hospital
on that startling green lawn:
large areas of this dun horse's waist, on
through it's entire rear carriage and legs, is
filled with sections where the healing of other
lives is taking place, as if only their wounds
had been patched-in to this hospital-
that's-a horse
as I watch this horse-hospital stand
placidly in the sunlight, a small grey
tabby cat approaches it's front end,
the only place left with room for more
healing work; it's clear the horse-
hospital will accept it and before I can
focus on how and where the cat's wound
will be transferred to the hospital-horse's
front end for healing, the Hispanic
woman approaches
she's completely nude again and anxious
to share the news with me that she's going
to take my suggestion and wear her
birthday suit as her next Halloween
costume: after all, she grins, who
will ever know it's her?
the horse-hospital tosses it's head:
I'd swear it's nodding happily
and to no one in particular
[narrative on a dream of 4-26-18. Interesting possible input to this dream: a friend left a large Russian Lemurian Crystal (or "Scribe" as it's called in the research I just did online) with me last night. It's energy is said to be balancing and calming, both of which I've clearly been in much need of. I kept it in my bra all evening, next to my bed as I slept, and it's now just above my computer screen. It's very much like a large tourmaline crystal I had decades back that I often just sat and held as it felt so comforting. Photomorph "An Empath's Inner Life" (9-5-13 009v3h) by Roswila]
There are many other sorts of posts on this blog. I indicate which are about or influenced by dreams. Some non dream focused posts are book reviews, "regular" poems (some by other writers), scifaiku, writing exercises, Tarot haiku, photos, haiga, and so on. However, most of those are in much older posts. There's a listing by month going back to early 2006, at the end of the sidebar.

[a/k/a Patricia Kelly]
**** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blog (dedicated to her photos only, i.e. no poetry or other writing; daily post); TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.