Roswila's Dream & Poetry Realm

SEE ALSO: TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT (photos, realistic to abstract)

Saturday, January 05, 2013

WAVE OF THE FUTURE (photo) & "filling the empty..." (non-dream haiku) by Roswila

filling the empty
rocking chair with shadows
New Year's candle

[a non-dream based haiku written on New Year’s Eve of 2007. I knew it was going to be my last in New York City as I was anxiously preparing to move here to California in about five weeks. The rocking chair was one that my last roommate (of seven good years) used to sit in to have long chats with me. During that last New Year’s Eve in New York City my inner vision rocked back and forth, back and forth even more than usual. Photo “Wave of the Future” by Roswila]

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO DREAMKU (& PHOTOS): The dream-based poems posted on this blog -- dreamku, tanka, two-liners, and monoku -- are offered in the spirit of collaboration. I have done my part. Now it’s your turn to jump in and see what comes up for you. I.e., there is no right or wrong way to understand or interpret any of these dream offerings. Even my own understandings of them change over time. And it gives me joy when a reader sees something in any of them that I have not.

For more in-depth exploration:

-- a brief post about both dreamku and my photos THE AREN'TS OF DREAMKU & ACCOMPANYING DIGITAL PHOTOS.

-- detailed three-part post about dreamku: "A DREAMKU PRIMER: Writing Haiku-Like Poems About Your Night Dreams": PART ONE: Introduction & Writing Dreamku as Dream Work; PART TWO: Elements of the Haiku Form Used in Dreamku; and PART THREE: How to Write Dreamku (the second and third parts have some overlap).

-- a brief up-dating post about the three-part "A DREAMKU PRIMER" -- Important Up-date to A DREAMKU PRIMER....".

* * * *
‘til next time, keep dreaming,

If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blogs: ROSWILA’S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL; ROSWILA’S TAIGA TAROT; and TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.

Friday, January 04, 2013

THE EYE OF THE STORM (photo) & IT WAS A DARK & STORMY NIGHT (dreamku series) by Roswila

(last dream of the evening)

the cavernous main
floor hospital halls echo
with the announcement:
a massive storm’s approaching
no one should leave the premises

and no one seems to
want to go, but why do they
stand by the glass doors?
and why aren’t the chain link
burglar gates being rolled down?

true, the glass might still
break, but large flying objects
would be caught and stopped …
she moves way back from the doors
and stands around a corner

out of the line of possible flying glass
she calls out to others to do the same

[three tanka topped by a two-liner on a dream of 1-2-12. I'm having strong associations to the expressions "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" and "We're all in this together." In any case, this was the last dream of the night; the first of the evening was posted here yesterday. See comments to yesterday’s post -- directly below this one -- for some “analysis.” This dream above is somewhat of an advance on the first one. This is not uncommon for me in a night of dreams. As if something gets worked through. I’ve also noted that dreams from earliest in the night tend to be the most intense and often have the least realistic images. My dreams last night (1-3-13) were filled with friends from my past and a few favorite celebrities. I even did some (accurate) singing of an old movie song. The earliest dream, though, was very anxious. A strange man had a knife and was intent on hurting me. Another man was helpful as I continued to escape the clutches of the man with the knife. Hm, I will explore later what further info there may be for me in this series of more than usually anxious dream scenarios. It is rather odd for me to have one, much less three of them. And I wonder if it has anything to do with today being my 69th birthday. Well, at the very least those dreams gave me the excuse to mention that. :-D Photo “Eye of the Storm” by Roswila]

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO DREAMKU (& PHOTOS): The dream-based poems posted on this blog -- dreamku, tanka, two-liners, and monoku -- are offered in the spirit of collaboration. I have done my part. Now it’s your turn to jump in and see what comes up for you. I.e., there is no right or wrong way to understand or interpret any of these dream offerings. Even my own understandings of them change over time. And it gives me joy when a reader sees something in any of them that I have not.

For more in-depth exploration:

-- a brief post about both dreamku and my photos THE AREN'TS OF DREAMKU & ACCOMPANYING DIGITAL PHOTOS.

-- detailed three-part post about dreamku: "A DREAMKU PRIMER: Writing Haiku-Like Poems About Your Night Dreams": PART ONE: Introduction & Writing Dreamku as Dream Work; PART TWO: Elements of the Haiku Form Used in Dreamku; and PART THREE: How to Write Dreamku (the second and third parts have some overlap).

-- a brief up-dating post about the three-part "A DREAMKU PRIMER" -- Important Up-date to A DREAMKU PRIMER....".

* * * *
‘til next time, keep dreaming,

If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blogs: ROSWILA’S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL; ROSWILA’S TAIGA TAROT; and TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

THE FALL (photo) & HOW'S THIS FOR OPENERS? (dreamku series) by Roswila

(first dream of the night)

after, she can’t re-
call why she went haring off
into the night streets
she knew, though, she’d been all too
aware that it wasn’t safe

but her rage had launched
her so she literally flew
into danger’s face,
spinning in the air, a clear
target as she spewed venom

later she came to,
all her pockets emptied,
her clothes in tatters,
as she winced from the wounds
of several sorts of assaults

when she finally
stands by the rectory window
washed, bandaged and
dressed in donated clothes
she starts to pick at “why”

then it hits like that
proverbial ton of bricks:
why's not the question,
the inquiry should be about
her self-destructive flight

there must be better ways to respond than to fly
off the handle, right into the maw of danger

[five tanka capped by a two-liner on a dream of 1-2-12. This was the night’s first dream. I’ll post the last dream of the night tomorrow. It’s also hyperbolic, with an air image, and about danger, but from a different perspective. I actually take both dreams as warnings. In my dream vocabulary, air often represents thoughts and it is abundantly true that my thinking gives me more grief than any single “objective” event. It may be that some dangerous thinking is brewing that I’ll need to acknowledge and then let go of. At the same time, the dreams highlight (in their hyperbolic way) my always present background concern that my "Irish temper" may erupt. Photo “The Fall” by Roswila]

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO DREAMKU (& PHOTOS): The dream-based poems posted on this blog -- dreamku, tanka, two-liners, and monoku -- are offered in the spirit of collaboration. I have done my part. Now it’s your turn to jump in and see what comes up for you. I.e., there is no right or wrong way to understand or interpret any of these dream offerings. Even my own understandings of them change over time. And it gives me joy when a reader sees something in any of them that I have not.

For more in-depth exploration:

-- a brief post about both dreamku and my photos THE AREN'TS OF DREAMKU & ACCOMPANYING DIGITAL PHOTOS.

-- detailed three-part post about dreamku: "A DREAMKU PRIMER: Writing Haiku-Like Poems About Your Night Dreams": PART ONE: Introduction & Writing Dreamku as Dream Work; PART TWO: Elements of the Haiku Form Used in Dreamku; and PART THREE: How to Write Dreamku (the second and third parts have some overlap).

-- a brief up-dating post about the three-part "A DREAMKU PRIMER" -- Important Up-date to A DREAMKU PRIMER....".

* * * *
‘til next time, keep dreaming,

If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blogs: ROSWILA’S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL; ROSWILA’S TAIGA TAROT; and TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

LOCK DOWN (photo) & MASKS (dreamku series) by Roswila


my co-worker and I
have developed a very
warm relationship
so why’s she wearing that ski-
like dark aqua mask?

and how do I know
not to ask her about it
but just accept that
I’m cut off from the fluid
world of her emotions

worse, I have to fight
the paranoia that says
I did something wrong
and that’s why she’s concealed
as we work side-by-side

I struggle to focus on our task, after all
am I even aware of all my own masks?

[three tanka topped by a two-liner on a dream of 1-1-13. Photo “Lock Down” by Roswila]

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO DREAMKU (& PHOTOS): The dream-based poems posted on this blog -- dreamku, tanka, two-liners, and monoku -- are offered in the spirit of collaboration. I have done my part. Now it’s your turn to jump in and see what comes up for you. I.e., there is no right or wrong way to understand or interpret any of these dream offerings. Even my own understandings of them change over time. And it gives me joy when a reader sees something in any of them that I have not.

For more in-depth exploration:

-- a brief post about both dreamku and my photos THE AREN'TS OF DREAMKU & ACCOMPANYING DIGITAL PHOTOS.

-- detailed three-part post about dreamku: "A DREAMKU PRIMER: Writing Haiku-Like Poems About Your Night Dreams": PART ONE: Introduction & Writing Dreamku as Dream Work; PART TWO: Elements of the Haiku Form Used in Dreamku; and PART THREE: How to Write Dreamku (the second and third parts have some overlap).

-- a brief up-dating post about the three-part "A DREAMKU PRIMER" -- Important Up-date to A DREAMKU PRIMER....".

* * * *
‘til next time, keep dreaming,

If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blogs: ROSWILA’S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL; ROSWILA’S TAIGA TAROT; and TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

JUST HANGIN' ON (photo) & EXEUNT (dreamku series); plus a New Year's haiku, by Roswila


why do they make such
difficult exit ways
for building basements
this one’s a ramp at least two-
stories high, instead of stairs

not so bad, you say?
well, look at this exit’s angle
how can one walk it
especially when its made
of such mushy material

see, I have to crawl
up clinging precariously
to the springy surface
and what about this gap
with nothing at all to grasp

its darkness threatens
to fold back and engulf me,
to roll me right up
and take me down like a
bone dry tsunami

I brought nothing in and I take nothing out
why do they make it so blamed hard to leave

[four tanka on a dream of 12-31-12. Believe it or not, this is not a negative dream. I also got a chuckle out of my thought that it might be -- at least in small part -- a memory of being born. Photo “Just Hangin’ On” by Roswila. One more thing, there's a tradition historically among haiku afficianado's of writing one at New Year's. Here's mine:

aaah! my soft warm bed
even though these old bones sleep
the New Year will come

Happy New Year!]

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO DREAMKU (& PHOTOS): The dream-based poems posted on this blog -- dreamku, tanka, two-liners, and monoku -- are offered in the spirit of collaboration. I have done my part. Now it’s your turn to jump in and see what comes up for you. I.e., there is no right or wrong way to understand or interpret any of these dream offerings. Even my own understandings of them change over time. And it gives me joy when a reader sees something in any of them that I have not.

For more in-depth exploration:

-- a brief post about both dreamku and my photos THE AREN'TS OF DREAMKU & ACCOMPANYING DIGITAL PHOTOS.

-- detailed three-part post about dreamku: "A DREAMKU PRIMER: Writing Haiku-Like Poems About Your Night Dreams": PART ONE: Introduction & Writing Dreamku as Dream Work; PART TWO: Elements of the Haiku Form Used in Dreamku; and PART THREE: How to Write Dreamku (the second and third parts have some overlap).

-- a brief up-dating post about the three-part "A DREAMKU PRIMER" -- Important Up-date to A DREAMKU PRIMER....".

* * * *
‘til next time, keep dreaming,

If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blogs: ROSWILA’S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL; ROSWILA’S TAIGA TAROT; and TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.

Monday, December 31, 2012

MATINS (photo) & [W]RINGING IN THE NEW YEAR (dream tanka series) by Roswila


Oy! could my laundry
piles be any higher?
I sigh and dig in,
the layers of linens like
alluvial deposits

at the bottom of
a bodacious bag of sheets
I find something odd:
a tangled assortment of
trinkets that tinkle and ring

clearly a roommate
of years past left them behind
for posterity –
I blush that she could rely
on how I procrastinate,

even as I hobble
ringing all the way, to sit
on the couch and sort
this delightful tinkling tangle –
the laundry avoided again

[four tanka on a dream of 12-30-12. I actually did decide yesterday to do my considerable laundry today. Which, yes, I have been putting off for quite a while. It could be a good time to do it, quiet and with plenty of washers and dryers available. Of course, I could just be outsmarting myself as other residents may have the same thought. In any case, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EACH OF YOU! whatever you do this evening. Photo “Matins” by Roswila]

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO DREAMKU (& PHOTOS): The dream-based poems posted on this blog -- dreamku, tanka, two-liners, and monoku -- are offered in the spirit of collaboration. I have done my part. Now it’s your turn to jump in and see what comes up for you. I.e., there is no right or wrong way to understand or interpret any of these dream offerings. Even my own understandings of them change over time. And it gives me joy when a reader sees something in any of them that I have not.

For more in-depth exploration:

-- a brief post about both dreamku and my photos THE AREN'TS OF DREAMKU & ACCOMPANYING DIGITAL PHOTOS.

-- detailed three-part post about dreamku: "A DREAMKU PRIMER: Writing Haiku-Like Poems About Your Night Dreams": PART ONE: Introduction & Writing Dreamku as Dream Work; PART TWO: Elements of the Haiku Form Used in Dreamku; and PART THREE: How to Write Dreamku (the second and third parts have some overlap).

-- a brief up-dating post about the three-part "A DREAMKU PRIMER" -- Important Up-date to A DREAMKU PRIMER....".

* * * *
‘til next time, keep dreaming,

If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blogs: ROSWILA’S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL; ROSWILA’S TAIGA TAROT; and TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

AGAINST THE WALL (photo) & IT'S RAINING CHILDREN! HALLELUJAH! (dreamku series) by Roswila


the grandmother’s child-
like clowning is disruptive
ultimately, though,
it enlivens our performance
for the visiting President

then I hear yelling
from beyond the window
“The little kids, they’re
crawling straight down the out-
side of the building!”

their young dark mother
rushes to rescue her babes
she stands on tiptoe
beneath them and reaches up
snatching each in turn off the wall

I note her flat chest
and small round belly, no more
than a child herself
but this rescue proves she’s quite
able to care for her brood

the sidewalk reflects the hot afternoon sun
lighting up kids pleased to be part of the fun

[four tanka and a capping two-liner on a dream of 12-29-12. I spontaneously sang that title in my mind immediately after I first recalled the dream. It’s a take off on a repeated line in the song “It’s Raining Men!” Photo “Against the Wall” by Roswila]

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO DREAMKU (& PHOTOS): The dream-based poems posted on this blog -- dreamku, tanka, two-liners, and monoku -- are offered in the spirit of collaboration. I have done my part. Now it’s your turn to jump in and see what comes up for you. I.e., there is no right or wrong way to understand or interpret any of these dream offerings. Even my own understandings of them change over time. And it gives me joy when a reader sees something in any of them that I have not.

For more in-depth exploration:

-- a brief post about both dreamku and my photos THE AREN'TS OF DREAMKU & ACCOMPANYING DIGITAL PHOTOS.

-- detailed three-part post about dreamku: "A DREAMKU PRIMER: Writing Haiku-Like Poems About Your Night Dreams": PART ONE: Introduction & Writing Dreamku as Dream Work; PART TWO: Elements of the Haiku Form Used in Dreamku; and PART THREE: How to Write Dreamku (the second and third parts have some overlap).

-- a brief up-dating post about the three-part "A DREAMKU PRIMER" -- Important Up-date to A DREAMKU PRIMER....".

* * * *
‘til next time, keep dreaming,

If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blogs: ROSWILA’S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL; ROSWILA’S TAIGA TAROT; and TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.