WISTFUL (photo) & RAINY DAY BLUES (three scifaiku [non-dream]) by Roswila
kissing your
evaporate form
dew on my skin
* * * *
held only by
this planet's rings
solo dancing
* * * *
no one to feel her death the last empath
* * * *
[Three separate scifaiku written respectively sometime in 1999, May 2006, and March 2006. It's been a while since I've shared any of my scifaiku (check out that link for details on the form), or even written any. And life for me has been feeling rather alien or surreal, so I went to my scifaiku file. Judging by the ones that caught my eye I'm also feeling rather more alone than usual. Of course, it's a rainy day (all to the good given the drought here in CA) which also makes my old arthritic joints ache. Yet even with all that said it's not really what I'd label a bad day. Just what it is; a distinctly atmospheric "what it is." Photo "Wistful" (3-18-10 10032e) by Roswila]
There are many other sorts of posts on this blog. I indicate which are about or influenced by dreams. Some non dream focused posts are book reviews, "regular" poems (some by other writers, as the above is), scifaiku, writing exercises, Tarot haiku, photos, haiga, and so on. However, most of those are in much older posts. There's a listing by month going back to early 2006, at the end of the sidebar.

[a/k/a Patricia Kelly]
**** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's connections & other blogs: Charter Member of the United Haiku and Tanka Society (UHTS); ROSWILA'S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL; ROSWILA'S TAIGA TAROT; and TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.