Roswila's Dream & Poetry Realm

SEE ALSO: TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT (photos, realistic to abstract)

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


The Two of Swords in The Maat Tarot, used by permission

The dreamku I chose for this month are a rather diverse mix of moods, maybe a bit more than usual, leaving me unable to determine an overall tone. So that's why I chose the card above representing stalement or balance, The Two of Swords.

Continuing on that theme of "two," you'll note around Valentine's Day a series of double dreamkus, followed by a single dreamku referencing two couples and "double exposure." I think my first choice of a pair of dreamku to post was unconsciously influenced by the coming of Valentine's Day. But, more importantly, I think all these pairs may have had to do with the dream symbolism of twins or pairs, such as appears in the dreamku: different glyphs//both mean butterfly//double new first name. I think it was Jung who said twins in a dream represent something new in the psyche that is not conscious yet. So it is both us and not us. Oy, may it be conscious soon! It's a long, uncomfortable birth.


February 1, 2007

we’re too free minded
to be let on the train
camped by the tracks

February 2, 2007

he flirts
then asks if she’s dying
her hunger

February 3, 2007

cleaning up
she steals the tiny Tarots
back from them

February 4, 2007

ah, it wasn’t stolen!
I left it in
this cubby hole

February 5, 2007

he washes my back
how to keep the water
from draining away

February 6, 2007

I watch
the woman named Herring –

February 7, 2007

she’s not listening
and I feel invisible
carnival side show

February 8, 2007

she puts in contacts
to hide her drugged eyes

February 9, 2007

my male feet
compete and turn me on
end game

February 10, 2007

compelling traces
the writing on the wall
morphs into this

February 11, 2007

On Names and Pairs (from the same dream):

the old woman says
they'll help me one more time
giver of names

different glyphs
both mean butterfly
double new first name

February 12, 2007

A Pair of Lights (from the same dream):

a community
lives around the lighthouse --
she belittles

I build my light
into a full-size lighthouse
fertile earth

February 13, 2007

Deja Vu (from dreams months apart):

the urge to help --
will he let me
dance with him

no one dances
together anymore
walking on eggs

February 14, 2007

What A Pair! (from dreams months apart):

she can't see
past his blindness
their ships pass again

he says he's sorry
as does she
only in a dream

February 15, 2007

each man of two couples
comforts his mate
double exposure

February 16, 2007

led up the endless
ladder into the night
her shiny boots

February 17, 2007

the serpent-dog
sidles up to my breast
et tu?

February 18, 2007

the girl attacks me
as I try to save her
echoing hallway

February 19, 2007

we reassemble him
on strings in his giant form
so many gaps

February 20, 2007

we ride a donkey down
with two tiger kittens
cliff’s edge

February 21, 2007

they put me in a
locked metal box with flowers
the giant gulps it

February 22, 2007

she comes back to life
we all restrain our feelings
cold breakfast

February 23, 2007

a gold fish’s
open mouth against the glass
ancient lure

February 24, 2007

well-formed but too small
the head, neck, and shoulders
of the horse she sculpts

February 25, 2007

the smart cat
wrestles the stuffed one down
data search

February 26, 2007

elevator free fall
limbs straight out I jam myself
above the floor

February 27, 2007

garden labyrinth
Archangel Michael protects
Satan and the boy

February 28, 2007

he flirts
but still owes me --
cash only

* * * *

‘til next time, keep dreaming,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)****My other blog: ROSWILA’S TAROT GALLERY & JOURNAL.

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At 5:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... I feel I just walked through a hall of mirrors--which I guess fits with the theme of doubling, doesn't it?

A powerful collection this month. More eerieness, less whimsey, very deep.

Mary Pat

At 10:13 AM , Blogger Roswila said...

Thanks for wading through it all, MP! :-)

"Hall of mirrors..." also fits with the sort of carnival atmosphere of many. I've always felt there was something very sad about carnivals, or rather the people who work and perform in them. Wounded people just trying to get through. Oy, I'm not in that space today, so enough of that... it's a gorgeous day out there. And I wrote a haiku and a tanka as I doddered along with my shopping cart. :-)

At 10:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deja Vu !! These all seem too familiar. Great month of words for you. Nice day in Central Texas too.

At 8:34 PM , Blogger Roswila said...

Glad you enjoyed them, Charline. The nice weather didn't last long here, though. :-) Hope it's sunny in Central Texas, no tornados or storms.


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