THE CAVE OF YESTERYEAR (edited Google photo) & THE KEY (dream) by Roswila
“girls just want to have fu-un…” oh, yeah,
always liked that song but I guess I’m not a real
girl and never was cuz I’ve always “just wanted”
to be able to get someplace (with an increasing
desperation as the decades have passed); for
instance, in last night’s dream I am determined
and in enough of a rush to go into her apartment
when she isn’t home and steal the key to her
vehicle so I can move on (I kept insisting to
myself I’m borrowing but don’t buy that even
as I think it); as I search for the key, I disturb
a number of other things (e.g., I have to use her
“facilities” and I mess up her kitchen sink)
that I carefully return to the order they’d been
in when I snuck in; except of course, for the key
(that is also a loopy food item: weird, huh?), yes,
the key, now in my possession, leaving an obvious
empty swirl in the long jewelry-style box of other
“thingies” she had it stored in.
then suddenly, she’s home and walking up to me
with a welcoming smile that only adds to my
guilty feelings: I love you, she happily asserts,
even though she’s just caught me invading her
home; I sputter that I’ve done my best to clean up
any mess I’ve made, and she just stands there
(“up close and personal” as the saying goes), with
that same lovely smile on her face and repeats:
I love you. I quickly add that I still have the key
to her vehicle and should I put it where I found
it or simply hand it to her now; she asserts it
again, starting to lean in for a hug: I love you.
I’m astounded and my earlier mission to steal/
borrow her vehicle seems less than trivial by
the light of her smile: how does one stand one’s
ground as she’s doing in the face of trespasses
and offer only love.
[dream of 2-8-20. I’ll be posting the dream/poem I mentioned in my comments yesterday, tomorrow. This one has even more of an impact on me. BTW, the apartment above was the actual one I lived in for 23 years in Elmhurst, Queens, NY, before moving here to CA 12 years ago. And the woman, an actual friend of mine of many years. This is one of those dreams that I could go on about for pages and pages. N.B. Valentine’s Day is coming up in less than a week. Also, that woman represents aspects of many other living people in my life – women and men – than that one long time friend. As well as my mother, who died 66 years ago when I was 10 (the anniversary of her passing was yesterday). Oh, that song (of the same title as the lyric quoted) is by Cyndi Lauper. And I have always really liked it. Photo “The Cave of Yesteryear” (Screenshots 9 2-9-20), I edited this screenshot way down to show only the building I used to live in (the Google shot showed buildings on either side, and much of the street with cars in front, too). The building has six apartments, two per floor. Mine was the top right one for 23 years. Screenshot of Google photo edited by Roswila]
There are many other sorts of posts on this blog. I indicate which are about or influenced by dreams. Some non dream focused posts are book reviews, "regular" poems (some by other writers), scifaiku, writing exercises, Tarot haiku, photos, haiga, and so on. However, most of those are in much older posts. There's a listing by month going back to early 2006, at the end of the sidebar.

[a/k/a Patricia Kelly]
**** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blog (dedicated to her photos only, i.e. no poetry or other writing; daily post); TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.
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