SEEKING A NEW FOCUS (Halloween selfie from 2014) & IN.MY.HUMBLE.OPINION (free verse dream poem) by Roswila
you were in my dreams again last night, like you’ve
been so many nights recently; yeah, instead of being
annoyed (mostly because I’m not all that sure why you
keep visiting) I could just be grateful I’m recalling so
many more dreams once again; after all, I had been
bellyaching about their lack of staying power … hm,
maybe that image holds the answer to why you’re
around a lot in my morning dream cache: to remind me
that some relationships do have staying power, aren’t
in quick disappear mode or gradual fade to black …
you are someone who stuck with me through a lot and
even wanted me around more than I cared to be with
you (funny that, given how painfully I’ve been taking in
that I’ve never really been all that liked by others);
of course, wanting me around does not necessarily
mean you liked me, even like me now; we humans are
odd creatures (IMHO, yeah, a big In.My.Humble.
Opinion), we become accustomed to someone and how
their peculiar ways fit into our lives, and that’s the
strangest thing of all: how often what we think of as
caring about someone we like is really more just
a matter of having become completely accustomed
to them, a visceral habit that fills some essential
void that echoes even louder when they’re not
around to crowd out the emptiness we so
assiduously deny, exposing our proud
backs to it, day after day
after day
[free verse poem on a dream of 1-22-20. Not sure about this one, nor really even any of my recent spate of dream writing. I can feel this one (and others) kinda itching at me to work on the writing. But I’m finding at this end of life I’m much more concerned with expressing fully, than with necessarily perfecting how I do that. Not that I don’t edit and edit and re-edit. I do. It’s just that I do much less (relatively speaking) than I used to once what I’m needing to say is on the page. Strange. The need to express is over-riding my sense of art? Ever since I first started writing poetry in my teens, I could not have said which was more important to me: craft (art) or content (what’s being said). And now, in my middle 70’s, after all these years, I find expression edging out art. Never woulda thunk it! Odd thing, though, when it comes to others’ art – poetry, ballet, etc. – I always did find myself leaning more toward appreciating expression in a less artistically successful form, over something well-crafted but empty. And here I am, back to discussing emptiness again … Photo “Seeking A New Focus” (11-1-14 009v2) by Roswila (selfie in Halloween costume)]
There are many other sorts of posts on this blog. I indicate which are about or influenced by dreams. Some non dream focused posts are book reviews, "regular" poems (some by other writers), scifaiku, writing exercises, Tarot haiku, photos, haiga, and so on. However, most of those are in much older posts. There's a listing by month going back to early 2006, at the end of the sidebar.

[a/k/a Patricia Kelly]
**** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blog (dedicated to her photos only, i.e. no poetry or other writing; daily post); TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.
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