FEED ME! (photomorph) & "high anxiety..." (non-dream senryu) by Roswila
high anxiety
I turn on the hungry printer
but it behaves!
[senryu written 5-20-19. Hardly worth the effort to post. However, I thought a positive experience is overdue to be shared here. This printer’s been jamming regularly and although I’ve begun research on a new one, I really can’t afford it. It’s been jamming for months and (so far) I do eventually get it to print. But what a procedure. Worth what little sanity I have left. And I had to print poems for the poetry wall I manage here in our dining room (for work by our fellow residents). Yeah, I could have put up an explanatory note on the poetry wall as to why no new poems recently. But I did not want to. So took courage in hand and voila! The printer cooperated. There will be fresh poems and a Memorial Day graphic posted by late this afternoon. It must have been a sketch to watch how gingerly I handled the printer, holding my breath on each approach. 😊 Waiting for it to chew on the paper. At least it never gnawed on me in the past when I was checking out its insides and removing bits of paper. Photomorph “Feed Me!” (Screenshots 2-7-19[9]) by Roswila]
There are many other sorts of posts on this blog. I indicate which are about or influenced by dreams. Some non dream focused posts are book reviews, "regular" poems (some by other writers), scifaiku, writing exercises, Tarot haiku, photos, haiga, and so on. However, most of those are in much older posts. There's a listing by month going back to early 2006, at the end of the sidebar.

[a/k/a Patricia Kelly]
**** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blog (dedicated to her photos only, i.e. no poetry or other writing; daily post); TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.
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