SKY BONES (photomorph) & BONE DEEP (free verse dream poem) by Roswila
to get above it all for a better view, to be able
to see more quickly (ironically, what I already
intuit is around me), I’m given an incredibly
tall skeleton set of legs with hip bones; so tall,
in fact, I wonder how I’ll be able to use these
dead props as one would a pair of crutches
(which is the only way I can imagine using
them), or maybe, they’re meant to somehow
to be walked in like a freakish pair of stilts;
before I can ask my question, I’m summarily
told that I must undergo surgery in which
these dry, giraffe-like leg bones capped by
hips that look like huge, empty, pasty white
palms, will replace my aging, if natural, much
shorter pair of leg/hip bones; “nuh-uh!!”
instantly escapes my mouth, and I quickly
add that that is simply going way too far just
on the promise of a more readily obtainable
and comprehensive view of things…thanks,
but no thanks, I’ll hobble along as I have
been, learning how best to piece together
living, bone deep understandings
from the view
down here
[free verse poem on a dream of 12-11-19. This dream was in part a prodromal one: i.e., one’s body trying to tell one’s self something via the dream. In this case, the prodromal element was precipitated by joint pain from toes to hips. I’d slept much longer in one position than I ever do and, boy how-dee, did I hurt on waking and changing position. As I creaked and moaned, I also recalled the dream. Which does have much more to it than a message about the need to wake up and change sleep position. BTW, I have another dream/poem from 12-10 that had our POTUS, Trump in it, ICK! Dag it, that man is everywhere one looks in the media. My dreams, also? Actually, I have a good idea who and what he represented. But, still, Trump?! I hasten to add I see a connection between the Trump dream and today’s. A response, of sorts. Photomorph “Sky Bones” (1-18-17 003v2b) by Roswila]
There are many other sorts of posts on this blog. I indicate which are about or influenced by dreams. Some non dream focused posts are book reviews, "regular" poems (some by other writers), scifaiku, writing exercises, Tarot haiku, photos, haiga, and so on. However, most of those are in much older posts. There's a listing by month going back to early 2006, at the end of the sidebar.
[a/k/a Patricia Kelly]
**** If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”). Roswila's other blog (dedicated to her photos only, i.e. no poetry or other writing; daily post); TRYING TO HOLD A BOX OF LIGHT.
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